Lunes, El Siete de Octubre
On Monday, October 7th, I had originally planned that we would start hiking at the fishing village of Santa Mariña. But from our experience the day before, I thought that we should shorten the hike a bit. So in the morning I asked our taxi driver, Antonio, to first take us to the town of Camariñas to drop off our luggage at Hotel Puerto Arnela, and then take us to Cemeterio dos Ingleses (the Cemetery of the English) on Cabo do Trece ou do Tosto. This would shorten our hike by about 1/4 from my original plan. Unfortunately, Antonio informed me that he couldn’t take us to the cemetery because the road to it was too rough. That being the case, instead I asked him to take us to the lighthouse at Cabo Vilán (Cape Vilán). This meant that we would miss some of the historical sites between Santa Mariña and Cabo Vilán (including the petroglyphs near Cemeterio dos Ingleses), but at least we would get to see an additional lighthouse, which I had planned to bypass due to the limited time that we had available. I hope we get a chance to hike this section some time in the future.
When we arrived at Cabo Vilán, the temperature was in the low 60’s F, with some high clouds. But it was going to be another nice day.
- Faro Cabo Vilán
- Faro Cabo Vilán
- Faro Cabo Vilán
We took photos, and then started walking south along the coast.
- View looking south from Cabo Vilán. The facility in the foreground is a fish factory. The point jutting out into the water on the left is Monte Farelo (about 2 miles away), and the structure on top of it is Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte, where we will be later that afternoon. The point beyond that is the town of Muxia (about 3.1 miles away) with the Santuario de Nosa Senora da Barca at the tip of its peninsula. The peak beyond that is O Facho Lourido (1,024 ft, about 5 miles away), with wind turbines running along the ridge. The farthest point is Cabo Tourinan (about 9 miles away).
- Faro Cabo Vilán
- Patty at Faro Cabo Vilán
- Faro Cabo Vilán
- Faro Cabo Vilán
- Faro Cabo Vilán
- The view looking south toward Monte Farelo and Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte.
- The view looking south toward Monte Farelo and Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte.
- The view looking south toward Monte Farelo and Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte. The path of the Camino dos Faros is on the left.
- Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte. And yes, Patty rang the bell. Do you have any idea how well sound travels over water?
- View looking south from Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte on Monte Farelo, across Ria de Camarinas to Muxia.
- Close-up of Santuario de Nosa Senora da Barca and the lighthouse at Puntada Barca ou de Xavina.
- View looking back north toward Faro Cabo Vilan from Ermida de Nosa Senora do Monte on Monte Farelo. You can see the path that we took along the shore.
- Close-up of Santuario de Nosa Senora da Barca and the lighthouse at Puntada Barca ou de Xavina.
- Patty on the Camino dos Faros, approaching Camarinas.
- The harbor at Camarinas.
- Enjoying some pulpo (octopus) salad and Vino Tinto on the patio at Hotel Puerto Arnela.
- Dessert! Tangy quince jelly with creamy Arzua-Ulloa Cheese! Uhmmm!
After lunch we went shopping for famous Camariñas lace.
- The harbor at Camarinas.
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